Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Company Information

Company Name: BLEGEND LLC
Contact Email: superexportshop@gmail.com
Phone Number: +66 2 671 1850
Business Address: 99, 2-3 Rimthang-Rodfai Road, Khlong-Toey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand

Door-to-Door Sales Policy

Scope and Definitions

Door-to-Door Sales: Transactions involving the sale of goods or rights or the provision of services where a BLEGEND LLC representative visits a consumer's domicile, engages in sales on the street, or conducts appointment sales.

Designated Rights: Rights related to the use of facilities or receiving services in daily life as specified by Cabinet Order.

Sales Form (Article 2): Door-to-Door Sales include sales made outside the business office, such as at a consumer’s home, cafes, streets, or temporary venues.

Exclusions (Article 26)

The Specified Commercial Transactions Law does not apply to:

  • Transactions between business operators
  • Contracts with individuals living overseas
  • Sales or services by national or local governments
  • Sales by certain organizations to their members (e.g., employee organizations)
  • Sales or services by an operator to its employees
  • Sales of newspapers by non-publicly listed companies
  • Transactions protected by other laws

Control on Door-to-Door Sales

Administrative Controls

1. Clear Indication of Business Operator's Name (Article 3):
Prior to solicitation, BLEGEND LLC must inform consumers of:

  • The company's name
  • The solicitation purpose
  • The type of goods, rights, or services being sold

2. Prohibition against Re-solicitation (Article 3-2):
BLEGEND LLC must confirm a consumer’s willingness to be solicited. If the consumer declines, re-solicitation during the same visit or afterwards is prohibited.

3. Delivery of Documents (Articles 4 and 5):
Upon receiving a contract offer or concluding a contract, BLEGEND LLC must provide a document containing:

  • Type of goods, rights, or services
  • Selling price or consideration
  • Payment timing and methods
  • Delivery time
  • Information on contract withdrawal or cancellation
  • Business operator’s name, address, phone number, and representative (if applicable)
  • Contract offer or conclusion date
  • Goods' details (name, brand, model type, quantity)
  • Provisions on latent defects and cancellation
  • Other special provisions

4. Prohibited Conduct (Article 6):
BLEGEND LLC prohibits unjust acts in Door-to-Door Sales, including:

  • Misrepresentation to solicit or prevent contract withdrawal
  • Intentional nondisclosure of important information
  • Intimidation to force a contract or prevent withdrawal
  • Soliciting contracts through deceptive methods

5. Administrative Dispositions and Penalties:
Violations can lead to penalties and administrative actions, such as business improvement instructions (Article 7) or business suspension orders (Article 8).

Civil Rules

6. Withdrawal of Offer or Cancellation (Cooling-off System) (Article 9):
Consumers can withdraw an offer or cancel a contract within 8 days of receiving the required documents. Cooling-off can be executed even after this period if the consumer was misled or intimidated by BLEGEND LLC.

Note: If goods or rights were received, they can be returned at BLEGEND LLC’s expense. Consumers do not need to pay for used goods or provided services, nor do they owe compensation for damages or penalties. Paid amounts must be refunded immediately.

7. Cancellation of Excessive Sales Contract (Article 9-2):
Consumers can cancel contracts involving excessive quantities within 1 year. The same settlement rules as cooling-off apply.

8. Rescission of Manifested Intention (Article 9-3):
Contracts concluded under misrepresentation or nondisclosure can be rescinded.

9. Limitation on Damages (Article 10):
BLEGEND LLC cannot claim unreasonable damages when a contract is canceled. Claims are limited to:

  • Ordinary usage fees or the difference between selling and reselling prices
  • Selling price if goods/rights are not returned
  • Provided service consideration
  • Contract conclusion and performance costs
  • Delinquency charges based on a statutory interest rate of 6% per year

10. Demand for Injunction (Article 58-18):
Qualified Consumer Organizations can demand discontinuation or prevention of prohibited acts by BLEGEND LLC.

11. Door-to-Door Sales Consumer Relief Fund (Article 29-2):
If a member of the Japan Direct Selling Association fails to refund a consumer after contract cancellation, the association can provide a refund from the Consumer Relief Fund.

For more information or inquiries, please contact us at superexportshop@gmail.com or call us at +66 2 671 1850.