How To Eat and Train Properly to Get in Shape Faster

How To Eat and Train Properly to Get in Shape Faster

How to build muscle faster?
To build muscle, you need to understand how it grows. You can do without it, but if you know what the process is, you can influence it and increase the effectiveness of training.

To build muscle, you need strength training. During weight training, muscles contract and micro-traumas appear in them. The body needs to "heal" them, for which it uses protein and "repairs" the muscle. In this way, new muscle fibers are added to old muscle fibers and the muscle grows.

To build muscle faster, you need to train, eat right, and give your body rest. If you miss something, training becomes less effective: slow muscle growth or fat from the abdomen does not go away.

What's the right way to workout?

The trainer will show you techniques and teach you the basics, and then you can work out on your own.

This is important because the effectiveness of strength training depends on the correct execution of each exercise. If you do a squat or deadlift incorrectly, the load may not be distributed correctly and you are more likely to get injured.

Start gradually and work out regularly
Training to the point of losing your heart rate every day won't give you the results you were hoping for. Overtraining does not allow you to train at full strength, and the body does not have time to recover and build new muscles. The effectiveness of daily workouts will be the same as if you were exercising 2-3 times a week.

If you want to go to the gym every day, alternate strength training with cardio and don't ignore fatigue: when you feel exhausted, take a break.

Don't exercise hungry
If you don't have the energy to exercise, you won't get results: you'll fatigue faster, and you'll be able to do fewer approaches and repetitions.

To gain energy and preserve muscle mass, eat 2-3 hours before training. Your meal should contain protein and carbohydrates. Protein will help maintain and increase muscle volume, while carbohydrates will provide energy. 
an omelet, a sandwich of whole-grain bread with avocado and fruit.

Come to your workout with a plan
You'll agree that it's easier to perform exercises when you have a clear plan than it is to think about what to do next after each approach. A workout plan prevents you from standing still and wasting time. You act according to the instructions and don't waste energy making decisions. This reduces your anxiety level and you don't associate exercise with something difficult.

A plan might look something like this:

Curls for abs - 3 approaches of 15 reps.
Arm and leg raises - 3 sets of 16 reps.
Push-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps.
Reverse push-ups - 3 sets of 10 reps.
Squats - 3 sets of 15 reps.
Gluteal bridge - 3 sets of 15 reps.

At the training session, follow the plan, performing exercise after exercise, and at the end of the satisfied and tired go home.

Start with exercises for those muscle groups that are more important to you
At the beginning of your workout, you have a full supply of energy. That's why you can do the first approach at full strength and maximize the load on your muscles. With this in mind, start your strength training with the muscle groups that you prioritize: you'll work them better than the others.

What should I eat to get in shape faster?
To build muscle, lose belly fat and speed up your metabolism, your body needs protein. It's not just for athletes: protein reduces hunger, helps you burn more calories and boosts your immune system. And if you want to pump up, protein is doubly important: it contains amino acids, which are involved in the body's ability to work out.

It is recommended that an adult eats 1.2-1.6 g of protein per 1 kg of weight per day. If you are engaged in sports, the norm should be increased to 2 g per 1 kg of weight.

It turns out that a person weighing 70 kg needs 84-112 g of protein per day, and with adjustments for training - 140 g per day. This is 200 g of boiled chicken breast, 2 chicken eggs, 200 g of cottage cheese and 100 g of salmon. 

How can I lose weight faster?
You need to watch your diet. Many people think that if you exercise, you can eat more. There is some truth to this: we use more energy when we exercise regularly than if we spend our weekdays just in the office. But to lose weight, the body needs a calorie deficit: you need to spend more than you consume.

To lose weight by 1 kg, you need to create a deficit of 7,716 calories. For example, you eat 2,000 kcal, and spend 2,500 - you get a deficit of 500 kcal per day. If you follow this diet, you will lose 2 kg in a month.

You can create a deficit not only by dieting, but also by exercising: you consume the calorie allowance, but at the same time you exercise. For example, an hour of moderate running and swimming is about 550 kcal, strength training is about 800 kcal.

Your calorie allowance can be calculated using the formula:

For men: (5 + (10 × weight [kg]) + (6.25 × height [cm]) - (5 × age [years])) × k
For women: ((10 × weight [kg]) + (6.25 × height [cm]) - (5 × age [years]) - 161) × k

k is a coefficient that makes an adjustment for lifestyle.

1.375 - if you exercise 1-3 times a week;
1.55 - if you exercise 3-5 times a week;
1.725 if you work out 6-7 times a week.
Plan your menu so that it does not exceed your calorie allowance. Your diet should consist of 25-30% protein, 55-60% carbohydrates and 15-20% fats. With such a diet and regular training, you will achieve weight loss.

How not to lose motivation and not to give up training?
Set a goal
For example, lose weight by 4 kg in two months, increase biceps volume by 3 cm in a month. A specific goal motivates you and keeps you on track: you have something to strive for and you see the point of going to training.

If you're exercising for well-being, a class with friends, a year's membership to a fitness club, or signing up for a 10-kilometer run will motivate you.

Promise a reward
Come up with a reward if you reach your goal. For example, if you lose 5 pounds in two months, promise yourself a new dress or sports equipment. If you don't miss a single class, give yourself five massages. Try not to spoil yourself with food: eclairs after a hard workout can negate all your efforts.

Rewards should motivate and promise something of value that you actually want.

Do something you enjoy
Long runs are good for weight loss. But if you hate running, you'll sooner give up exercising than lose even half a pound. Choose something you enjoy right away. Want to lose weight - any cardio exercises will do, even if it is Latin American dancing or Nordic walking.

It's the same with strength training. Want pumped muscles and beautiful relief, but do not like the gym - try to do at home exercises with your own weight. If you're not ready for strength training with free weights - do it on exercise machines.

Notice how your mood changes after a workout
Exercise helps you release negative emotions and feel better. For example, 30 minutes of jogging at a moderate pace can make you feel better.

